
                WELCOME TO                         
 **Water Situation in Chennai:**


**Anna Nagar:**

- **Availability:** Lush and green, tap water is regular.

- **Backup:** Residents can request a water tanker on inadequate supply days.

- **Concerns:** Excessive use for lawns and regular reliance on tankers.


- **Availability:** Faces water shortage, municipal water every two days.

- **Backup:** Private borewell used, but water is brackish.

- **Purchases:** Residents buy tanker water at a monthly cost of Rs 500-600.


- **Availability:** Water supplied once every four days.

- **Challenge:** Residents buy bottled water for drinking due to irregular supply.

**Saidapet Slum:**

- **Challenge:** Hutments lack bathroom and tap connection.

- **Common Tap:** Water from borewell available for 20 minutes twice a day.

- **Struggle:** Residents face scarcity and compete for limited water, especially in summer.


**1. What is a common challenge faced by residents in Madipakkam regarding water supply?**

   - A. Excessive use for lawns

   - B. Irregular supply leading to the purchase of bottled water

   - C. Regular reliance on tankers

   - D. Lack of tap connections in hutments

**2. How do residents in Saidapet Slum access water?**

   - A. Lush and green tap water

   - B. Private borewell with brackish water

   - C. Water tanker requests on inadequate supply days

   - D. Water from a borewell available for a limited time

**3. What distinguishes the water availability in Anna Nagar compared to Mylapore?**

   - A. Availability once every four days

   - B. Regular municipal water every two days

   - C. Water supplied once a week

   - D. Monthly cost of Rs 500-600 for tanker water


1. B. Irregular supply leading to the purchase of bottled water  

2. D. Water from a borewell available for a limited time  

3. B. Regular municipal water every two days


- **Anna Nagar:** Regular tap water, occasional tanker use, but excessive lawn watering.

- **Mylapore:** Municipal water every two days, brackish borewell, reliance on purchased tanker water.

- **Madipakkam:** Water supplied every four days, leading to reliance on bottled water.

- **Saidapet Slum:** Limited water access, shared common tap, struggle during summer, long waits for tankers.

**Water as a Fundamental Right:**


- **Importance:**

  - **Essential for life and good health.**

  - **Prevents water-related diseases.**

- **Water-Related Deaths:**

  - **Daily Toll:** Over 1,600 Indians die, mainly children under 5.

  - **Causes:** Diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, etc.

- **Right to Water:**

  - **Constitutional Basis:** Part of Right to Life under Article 21.

  - **Universal Access:** Every person has the right to sufficient water at an affordable price.

- **Legal Recognition:**

  - **Judicial Stand:** High Courts and Supreme Court affirm the right to safe drinking water as a Fundamental Right.


**1. What is the primary cause of over 1,600 daily water-related deaths in India?**

   - A. Lack of legal recognition

   - B. Preventable diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera

   - C. Universal access to water

   - D. Constitutional basis under Article 21

**2. What is the legal stand affirmed by High Courts and the Supreme Court regarding the right to water?**

   - A. Lack of importance in the Constitution

   - B. Denial of universal access

   - C. Recognition as a Fundamental Right

   - D. Legal basis for water-related deaths

**3. Which constitutional article is associated with the Right to Water?**

   - A. Article 21

   - B. Article 51

   - C. Article 42

   - D. Article 15


1. B. Preventable diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera  

2. C. Recognition as a Fundamental Right  

3. A. Article 21


- **Significance of Water:**

  - Vital for life and health, prevents diseases.

- **Challenges:**

  - Over 1,600 daily deaths from water-related diseases.

- **Fundamental Right:**

  - Constitutional recognition under Right to Life (Article 21).

- **Legal Support:**

  - Judicial affirmation by High Courts and Supreme Court for the right to safe drinking water.

**Public aFacilities:**


- **Essential Facilities:**

  - **Water:** Vital for life and health.

  - **Healthcare:** Access to medical services.

  - **Sanitation:** Hygienic living conditions.

  - **Electricity:** Power for daily needs.

  - **Public Transport:** Convenient mobility.

  - **Education:** Schools and colleges for learning.

- **Key Characteristic:**

  - **Shared Benefits:** Once provided, benefits can be enjoyed by many people.


  **1. What is a key characteristic of essential facilities according to the given information?**

   - A. Exclusive benefits

   - B. Shared benefits

   - C. Limited access

   - D. Individual privileges

**2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of essential facilities?**

   - A. Healthcare

   - B. Public Transport

   - C. Entertainment

   - D. Education


1. B. Shared benefits  

2. C. Entertainment


- **Essentials:**

  - Water, healthcare, sanitation, electricity, public transport, education.

- **Shared Benefits:**

  - Main characteristic of public facilities, serving the broader community.

**Government's Role in Providing Public Facilities:**


- **Responsibility:**

  - **Providing Public Facilities:** Government's duty to ensure facilities are available to everyone.


- **Profit Motive:**

  - **Government vs. Private Companies:** Private companies operate for profit.

  - **Public Facilities:** Often not profitable, less interest from private companies.


- **Exceptions:**

  - **Schools and Hospitals:** Private companies may be interested in some cases.

- **Affordability Issue:**

  - **Water Supply Example:** Private companies may offer water at higher rates, depriving many of affordable access.


- **Basic Needs and Constitution:**

  - **Right to Life:** Constitution guarantees the Right to Life for all.

  - **Responsibility:** Providing public facilities is the government's responsibility.


**1. What is the primary motivation for private companies in providing public facilities according to the information?**

   - A. Social responsibility

   - B. Profit motive

   - C. Altruism

   - D. Government pressure

**2. In which cases are private companies mentioned to be interested in providing facilities?**

   - A. Water supply

   - B. Education and healthcare

   - C. Transportation

   - D. Electricity


1. B. Profit motive  

2. A. Water supply


- **Government's Duty:**

  - Ensure public facilities are accessible to all.

- **Profit Consideration:**

  - Private companies may not be interested due to lack of profitability.

- **Exceptions:** 

  - Some private involvement in schools and hospitals.

- **Affordability Concern:**

  - Government's role crucial to prevent deprivation based on financial constraints.

- **Constitutional Right:**

  - Providing basic needs aligns with the Right to Life guaranteed by the Constitution.

**Government Funding for Public Facilities:**


- **Budgeting Process:**

  - **Annual Ritual:** Government presents the budget in Parliament every year.

  - **Details Included:** Accounts for past expenses and outlines planned spending for the coming year.

- **Source of Government Money:**

  - **Taxes:** Main source of government revenue.

  - **Types of Taxes:** Income tax, sales tax, corporate tax, etc.

  - **Other Sources:** Borrowing, grants, and non-tax revenue contribute.

- **Government Budget:**

  - **Expenses Allocation:** Outlines how funds will be distributed across various programs.

  - **Public Facilities Funding:** Part of the budget allocates funds for public facilities.


**1. What is the main source of revenue for the government in the budgeting process?**

   - A. Borrowing

   - B. Grants

   - C. Taxes

   - D. Non-tax revenue

**2. What types of taxes are mentioned as contributors to the government's revenue?**

   - A. Property tax, excise tax

   - B. Sales tax, corporate tax

   - C. Import tax, luxury tax

   - D. All of the above

**3. What is a significant component of the government budget mentioned in the text?**

   - A. Accounts for past expenses

   - B. Planning for future taxes

   - C. Allocation of funds for public facilities

   - D. Borrowing details


1. C. Taxes  

2. B. Sales tax, corporate tax  

3. C. Allocation of funds for public facilities


- **Budget Presentation:**

  - Yearly presentation in Parliament outlining past and future expenses.

- **Revenue Sources:**

  - Mainly from taxes (income, sales, corporate), borrowing, grants, and non-tax revenue.

- **Expense Allocation:**

  - Budget specifies how funds are distributed, including funding for public facilities.

**Water Supply in Chennai: Accessibility Issues**


- **Shortage Overview:**

  - **Public Facility:** Water supply faces shortages in Chennai.

  - **Municipal Supply:** Meets only about half the city's needs on average.

- **Unequal Distribution:**

  - **Geographic Impact:** Areas closer to storage points receive more regular water supply.

  - **Disparities:** Colonies farther away experience reduced water availability.

- **Impact on the Poor:**

  - **Burden:** Shortfalls disproportionately affect the poor.

- **Middle-Class Coping Mechanisms:**

  - **Private Solutions:** Digging borewells, purchasing water from tankers, using bottled water for drinking.

- **Affordability Concern:**

  - **Safe Drinking Water:** Availability depends on financial capacity.

  - **Access Limited:** People with financial means have greater access.


**1. What is the main cause of water shortages in Chennai, as mentioned in the text?**

   - A. Inadequate municipal supply

   - B. Unequal distribution to storage points

   - C. Excessive private use

   - D. Lack of borewells

**2. How do middle-class residents cope with water shortages in Chennai?**

   - A. Relying on municipal supply

   - B. Purchasing water from tankers

   - C. Extracting water from private wells

   - D. Accessing free bottled water


1. A. Inadequate municipal supply  

2. B. Purchasing water from tankers


- **Challenges:**

  - Water shortage in Chennai with municipal supply meeting only half the needs.

- **Geographic Disparities:**

  - Closer areas receive more regular supply, impacting those farther away.

- **Impact on the Poor:**

  - Disproportionate burden on the economically disadvantaged.

- **Middle-Class Coping:**

  - Affordability allows for private solutions.

- **Affordability Concern:**

  - Availability of safe water linked to financial capacity, contradicting the goal of universal access.

**Challenges in Chennai and Beyond:**


- **Common Scenario:**

  - **Not Unique:** Water shortages during summer are widespread in Indian cities.

- **Private Companies' Role:**

  - **Expanding Presence:** Private companies fill municipal water shortages for profit.

  - **Growing Trend:** Increasing reliance on private water supply solutions.

- **Inequality in Water Use:**

  - **Urban Standard:** Recommended 135 litres per day per person (seven buckets) by Urban Water Commission.

  - **Disparities:** Slum dwellers may have less than 20 litres per day (one bucket), while luxury hotel residents consume up to 1,600 litres per day (80 buckets).

- **Government's Role:**

  - **Shortage as a Sign:** Municipal water shortage reflects perceived government failure.

  - **Possible Solutions:** Some advocate for private companies to take over as a solution.


**1. What is the recommended urban water usage per person per day according to the Urban Water Commission?**

   - A. 20 litres

   - B. 80 litres

   - C. 135 litres

   - D. 1,600 litres

**2. What is the growing trend regarding water supply solutions in Indian cities?**

   - A. Increased government intervention

   - B. Decreased reliance on private companies

   - C. Growing reliance on private water supply solutions

   - D. Expansion of municipal water services


1. C. 135 litres  

2. C. Growing reliance on private water supply solutions


- **Widespread Issue:**

  - Water shortages during summer not limited to Chennai.

- **Private Sector Expansion:**

  - Private companies stepping in to address municipal water shortages.

- **Inequality Concerns:**

  - Disparities in water supply, from slums to luxury hotels.

- **Government Perception:**

  - Shortages seen as a sign of government failure, leading to discussions about potential private sector involvement.

**Water Supply: Government vs. Private Involvement**


**Global Scenario:**

1. **Dominance of Government:** Worldwide, water supply is primarily a government function.

2. **Universal Access:** Some areas globally have achieved universal access through public water supply.

**Private Involvement Challenges:**

3. **Rising Prices:** Instances of private takeover leading to unaffordable water prices.

4. **Protests and Riots:** Examples like Bolivia show public backlash, prompting government intervention.

**Success and Challenges in India:**

5. **Government Success Cases in India:**

   - **Mumbai:** Water charges cover expenses.

   - **Hyderabad:** Improved coverage and revenue collection.

   - **Chennai:** Initiatives for rainwater harvesting and some private involvement under government control.

**Constitutional Right to Public Facilities:**

- **Indian Constitution Recognition:**

  - Right to water, health, education part of Right to Life.

  - Government's major role is ensuring public facilities for all.

**Challenges in Implementation:**

- **Supply Shortages and Distribution Inequities:**

  - Towns and villages under-provided compared to metros.

  - Poor localities under-serviced compared to wealthy ones.


- **Private Handover Not the Solution:**

  - Handing over to private companies doesn't address equity and citizen rights.

- **Equitable Solution Needed:**

  - Emphasizes the importance of ensuring citizens' rights to public facilities in an equitable manner.


**1. What is a common global scenario regarding water supply?**

   - A. Private companies dominate water supply globally.

   - B. Public water supply is primarily a government function.

   - C. Universal access is mainly achieved through private involvement.

   - D. Governments rarely play a role in water supply.

**2. What challenge is associated with private involvement in water supply globally?**

   - A. Decreasing water prices

   - B. Protests and riots

   - C. Universal access

   - D. Government intervention

**3. Which of the following is not mentioned as a success case of government involvement in water supply in India?**

   - A. Mumbai

   - B. Hyderabad

   - C. Chennai

   - D. Delhi

**4. According to the Indian Constitution, which right encompasses the right to water, health, and education?**

   - A. Right to Equality

   - B. Right to Freedom

   - C. Right to Life

   - D. Right against Exploitation


1. B. Public water supply is primarily a government function.  

2. B. Protests and riots  

3. D. Delhi  

4. C. Right to Life


- Globally, water supply is primarily a government function.

- Some areas globally achieve universal access through public water supply.

- Private involvement can lead to rising prices and public protests.

- India has seen success in some government-controlled water departments.

- Constitutional recognition of the right to public facilities emphasizes the government's role.

- Challenges include supply shortages, distribution inequities, and under-serviced localities.

- Handing over to private companies isn't seen as a solution; an equitable approach is needed.




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